
How To Tell If Your Tree Is Too Damaged To Move

If your tree has been damaged in a storm or other event, you may be wondering if it can be saved.  Tree moving experts like can sometimes save a damaged tree, but it depends on the extent of the damage.

Here are some things to look for to see if your tree is too damaged to move:

  • Assess the damage – The first thing you’ll want to do is assess the damage. If more than 50% of the tree’s crown (the leaves and branches) has been damaged, it’s probably not worth trying to save. Likewise, if the trunk has been damaged so severely that it’s split into multiple pieces, it’s likely too far gone to be saved. Other signs of excessive damage maybe if the roots have been pulled out of the ground or if the tree has leaned so far over that it’s in danger of falling.
  • If you’re not sure whether the damage is too severe, you can always consult with a tree expert or arborist.
  • Cost – The cost of moving a damaged tree may be higher than simply removing it and planting a new one.  This is because the tree will be more difficult to move and will require special care during and after the move.  If you’re concerned about the cost, you can always get estimates from tree moving companies to see if it’s feasible.
  • Risk – Moving a damaged tree also carries some risk.  If the tree is not moved properly, it could fall and cause damage to property or injure people.  It’s important to weigh the risks before deciding to move a damaged tree.
  • Type of tree – Some trees are simply more resilient than others and can withstand more damage before they need to be removed. For example, evergreens are generally quite hardy and can often be saved even if up to 75% of their needles have been lost. Conversely, trees with brittle wood, such as birches, are more likely to be damaged beyond repair if they lose even a small amount of their branches.


If your tree has been damaged, the first thing you’ll want to do is assess the severity of the damage. If more than 50% of the crown has been lost or the trunk has been split into multiple pieces, it’s probably not worth trying to save. Additionally, some types of trees are more resilient than others and can better withstand damage. In most cases, though, if your tree has been significantly damaged, it’s best to remove it before it causes further damage to your property.

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